Sunday, October 25, 2020

Better Use of Time

I was writing to my Fraternity today (a weekly newsletter I send out), and I recommended reading Franciscan-related materials.

Then I thought of my own reading. I have read some Francisca-related books over the years, but not with the frequency one would expect of a Secular Franciscan, especially one who is a "leader" in the Fraternity. I do read spiritual works, but I could read more, and I could focus what I'm reading to fit my vocation.

And then I thought about how much time I waste on watching pointless television shows and on social media - getting caught up in arguments, and not always being very Franciscan in my comments. 

I need to spend less time watching television and online, and more time writing or reading what would be good for me. 

I grabbed one of the Franciscan books off my shelf - Father Murray Bodo's Francis: The Journey and the Dream. I will begin that tonight.

Pax et bonum

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