Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Mass Intentions

One of the things I decided to do this year is for each day I regularly go to Mass  - Sunday to Friday - I will have special intentions for which I pray.

The intentions:

Sunday: Deceased members of my and Nancy's immediate families who were part of my life - Grandma Strong, Nana Baxter, mom, dad, my brother John, Uncle Jack, Nancy's father and mother, and Nancy's brother Nick
Monday: Children in other lands whom I have sponsored over the years - Abdi, Siady, and Kent
Tuesday: Members of my Franciscan Fraternity and their families who are facing problems or illness
Wednesday: My daughters 
Thursday: My own spiritual and physical healing and growth, and for the strength to deal with sinfulness in my own life
Friday: All my friends who have fallen away from the Church or who are members of other denominations or religions that they will come home or convert.
When friends in life and online ask for prayers I also include them as I go along - sometimes at Masses, sometimes with my Rosaries, or even just by pausing whatever I'm doing to say a prayer.

As for me, I always need the prayers of others.

Pax et bonum

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