Saturday, April 30, 2022

Drifting Along

I have been adrift of late. No real posting on this blog. No new poems. No work on various writing projects.

I am helping with a grade school play - but that doesn't take too much time. And I have been preparing for our Franciscan gathering and Profession Mass.

But that's about it.

Kind of unfocused.

Not sure why.

Pax et bonum


Do Not Be Anxious said...

Don't feel bad about being adrift for days; I've been for years. After I bought a new computer it seemed all the blogs I follow disappeared. They got rearranged under a Google file which I didn't know existed until today. It seems that people who also follow my blog aren't getting notices, which may account for my large drop in readership (or I'm removed from search engines for Catholic content.)

I'll spend some time reading over your old posts. Of the 30 blogs I followed 6 years ago, you are the only one still posting. You must be old like me.

A Secular Franciscan said...

Yes, old! So many blogs have indeed folded or just gone silent.