Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Wanted Man (With Money)

Driving home the other day I turned on my local Catholic radio station.

A pledge drive preempting regular programming. Grr.

I switched to the Christian station I sometimes listen to.

A fundraiser. They played some music in between pitches, but ...

I turned to my local PBS station (and former employer) to catch the news and latest reports.

Membership drive. With some breaks for news and reports.

They all want my money!

It's nice to be wanted.

But it also hit me their pleadings all sound somewhat alike, just with a particular spin suited to the kinds of people believed to listen to their stations.

There's always one constant, though: The threat that without MY MONEY that station might not be there in the future.


I decided to send something to the Catholic station. We're lucky to have one here.

Then I switched over to my cd player and listened to Creedence Clearwater Revival instead.

I'll return to those stations when regular programming returns.

"... bring a nickle, tap your feet. Down on the corner, out in the street ..."

Pax et bonum

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