Monday, May 20, 2024

I Am Going Home (Original Song)

I was listening to a Tannahill Weavers album, and they did a cover of Billy Connolly's song, "Oh No!"

I had never heard it before, and, to be honest, while it was a lively, catchy tune, I did not like the message of a man just leaving his woman and not caring what she feels.

I began thinking I should revise the song, giving it a more positive message. Then I remembered a song I wrote decades ago about going home. I just added a new verse, and I had my response!

I Am Going Home

I've been here before. 
I've been there before.
I've been every where and more,
and now I'm a going home.

I am going home, Lord,
I am going home.
I am going home 
'cause that's where I belong.

I done a little of this.
I done a little of that.
I did more than I should have done,
and now I'm a going home. 

I am going home, Lord,
I am going home.
I am going home 
'cause that's where I belong.

I worked from dawn to dusk.
I worked the whole night through.
I have worked the livelong day,
and now I'm a going home.

I am going home, Lord,
I am going home.
I am going home 
'cause that's where I belong.

I have seen some pretty women
all around the world.
But none of them's as pretty
as she that waits back home.

I am going home, Lord,
I am going home.
I am going home 
'cause that's where I belong.

I've sung this song before.
You know I'll sing it again.
But let me say once more
that I am going home.

I am going home, Lord,
I am going home.
I am going home 
'cause that's where I belong.
'Cause that's where I belong.
Yes, that's where I belong.

Pax et bonum

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