Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Health and Weight

Recently, I've begun to notice more and more signs of the effects of aging.

Some of those signs are related to thing over which I have little or no control. After all, I am getting older!

But there are areas over which I do have some control.

I'm overweight. This morning, I weighed 216.2 pounds. At 6', I should weigh in the 180's. That gives me a BMI at the upper end of "overweight". (I used to be "obese", so this is at least an improvement.)

I'm very sedentary.

I have a chronic sweet tooth. Too many candies, cookies, pastries, ice cream, etc. Two years ago my physical indicated I was pre-diabetic. I cut back a little on my sugar consumption, and dropped down below the pre-diabetic line, but I'm still close to it.

Therefore ... I need to lose about 30 pounds. And I need to even more drastically reduce my sugar consumption.

I will be dieting over the next few months. I'd like to see me lose about a pound a week. If I do lose about a pound a week, I should hit my target by next April or May.

I need to do more exercise. Not sure yet what that will involve, but light weights will be part of it.

As for sugar, I've already stopped putting sugar in my coffee, but I need to go much further. From now on I will allow myself treats only on Sunday or on special occasions. No more getting a candy bar at the store, or noshing on candy or cookies between meals. 

Losing weight will also help with my back and knee problems.

One saint sometimes identified as the Patron Saint of Dieters (and those with stomach ailments) is St. Charles Borromeo. I need to learn more about him, and to pray to him more for help. I found this prayer online: 

Prayer to St. Charles Borromeo

O St. Charles, you are invoked as
the patron of all those who suffer
with stomach ailments and obesity.
You are also called upon as a helper
for all those attempting to diet and lose weight.
Please intercede for me today
and help me to control
my desires and compulsions,
so that I may fix my appetite
on the glory of heaven.

Pax et bonum

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