Friday, July 27, 2018

For my wake slideshow video (first batch)

Morbid? Maybe. But having been to a few wakes lately where they have those slideshows of pictures from the person's life, with music, I thought gee, maybe I could make it easy on the survivors - and exercise some control over the images and the music - by putting together my own slide show. Maybe I'd even use recordings of me and/or Rock of Faith playing for the music bed! 
One problem: I'm usually the photographer, so there's lots of pictures in my files of other people, but not a lot of me. Here are a few I've found. Maybe some of my art and nature pictures to go with them? Hmm.  
FYI: I'm not seriously ill or on the verge of death. Given my family's history, I could have 20-30 more years to go!

Pax et bonum

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