Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Twelve Slave-Owning Presidents

According to historical records, 12 of our presidents owned slaves:

George Washington
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant

Now in Grant's case, I think simply calling him a slave owner is unfair. Yes, technically, he did own one slave. The slave was given to him as a gift. He worked with the slave on his farm as a co-worker, not an owner. This lasted for two years, then he set the man free. He opposed slavery, supported Black troops, led the Union to victory over the South, and, when he was President, pushed for Black's rights in the South, and even sent in troops to defeat the KKK.

As for some of the others, there are some who are clearly problematic. Andrew Jackson did a number of terrible things - including the Trail of Tears. Andrew Johnson messed up Reconstruction, clearly favoring white Southerners. And Jefferson not only had many slaves, but even a Black mistress.

Interestingly, in most historical assessments, Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson are ranked among the 10 highest ranked Presidents among historians. The lowest ranked Presidents include Johnson, Tyler, Taylor, Grant (again, I think not quite fair) and Harrison - though in his case he was not President long enough to accomplish much

There are so many places in this country named after these slave-holders. Do we change those names? Do we rename the state of Washington? Washington D.C.? Monroe County - the County in which I live? Monroe Middle school, where I was once offered a chance to teach? Do we remove all statues and portraits dedicated to them?

How far do we go?

Or have we already gone too far?

Pax et bonum

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