Saturday, April 3, 2021

Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America (David Horowitz)

I had seen Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz hyped on a number of talk shows.

I should have taken that as a warning. 

The book is not terrible. It does compile and link together information, trends, and incidents. That's fine. The problem for me is that I was already aware of much of this information and many of these trends, and I had already made many of the connections. I have been addressing some of the same issues he raises for years now. So for me, the book served as a reminder and as a confirmation, but it was hardly "eye-opening."

Overall, I found the book somewhat superficial, and padded. I think it would have been far more effective and compelling if it were compressed into a solid essay.

But then, Horowitz would have made less money.

For those who haven't been paying attention or are ill-informed, which, to be honest, means most people (just look at how many people allegedly voted for Biden!), this book is worth reading.

However, once the hype is over and people move on to some other shiny objects, I suspect we'll see a lot of copies of this book on remainder tables at used book sales.

Pax et bonum

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