Saturday, April 10, 2021


Fraternity elections are coming up this fall. I'm currently the fraternity's Minister - I didn't want to be in the first place, but I said let what happens happen and I got elected.

After 2 1/2 years as Minister, I really don't want to do it again.

I have my own flaws - arrogant, opinionated, argumentative - that are less than Franciscan. And though I've done an okay job given the age of the average fraternity member and the whole Covid-19 disaster over the last year, the fraternity has dwindled, not grown under my leadership. We need someone who can inspire and draw people.

There's also a level of frustration. I have tried some new things, but they have not always gotten support. And it seems as if everything gets thrown on the shoulders of the Council - and my wife and me in particular. For example, a woman volunteered to find some material for tomorrow's gathering. Then she went out of town, and nothing got done. Knowing we needed something, I searched on line and pulled together materials. Given the history of this woman, I wasn't surprised - I anticipated it, in fact. At least she does offer to volunteer - and sometimes follows through. And our former Minister always carries out what she says she will do. There are others who try to volunteer, but due to family issues, illnesses, and age, they can't always do what they would like to do, or even show up. But too many other folks tend not to volunteer at all.

I'm burned out.

Again, not very Franciscan on my part.

Meanwhile, the office involves taking part in regional meetings. I don't really like to travel much, particularly when I feel an obligation to do so and when it involves large groups I really don't know. I'm a hermit sort. Then, when Covid hit, the meetings turned into Zoom meetings. I hate Zoom meetings - on pro-life grounds, and because of their impersonal nature - and my old laptop does not work well with Zoom. Last night I could not even vote on one measure being discussed because due to the erratic sound I could not follow the discussion even after trying repeatedly, rebooting, and so on. 

For a conference I ultimately could not attend due to the sound issues, I gave up two events - the regular prayer group I join outside Planned Parenthood, and a rally at the Federal Building in support of keeping the Hyde Amendment in force. I would much rather have taken part in them.

Getting back to the elections. people are already assuming I will run for a second term. But if they asked me right now, I'd say, "No, I am not running. For any office."

Let's see what happens as we get closer to the nominations.


Pax et bonum

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