Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Diocese of Rochester Drives Away Volunteers?

I posted the following on Facebook and a version of it on some Diocesan posts (let's see if they stay up!):

I just moved from one parish - where I was active - to another where I would like to be active. I also checked with a ministry with which I'd like to be active that rents from a parish. Under guidelines from the Diocese of Rochester, all require CASE training to do almost any volunteer activity. The online course is fine, I did that. Signing a pledge is fine. But a background check demanding personal information? That seems intrusive and insulting given my long history of involvement in church activities, and the fact that I was a long-time teacher who had to undergo checks for a paid position working directly with children.

Apparently I'm not alone in not liking this policy. At both parishes and at the ministry they acknowledge that they have lost volunteers because of the diocesan policy. I have spoken to people at other parishes where they are also struggling to get volunteers because of the policy.

I understand wanting to protect children and vulnerable individuals - but even in ministries in which one is separate from the people (like lector, or cantor)? People sitting in the pews are in closer contact with children and vulnerable people than are lectors - will we someday have to undergo CASE training just to attend Mass? Individuals who harm others often know how to lie and conceal, and so unless they have been charged at some time in the past can likely make it through the process without being caught.

In this form, this policy seems too rigid, and seems more about providing legal cover than being a way to protect vulnerable individuals. In the short term it will harm ministries already struggling to find volunteers. 

Pax et bonum

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