Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Brothers Karamazov

I've spent the last month rereading The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

At 877 sometimes dense pages it's not surprising it took me a month to get through it. And, of course, I have been reading other works and doing other things - including beginning to volunteer at a hospice.  

I first read this book about 40 years ago, and, to be honest, had forgotten most of it. 

The book is considered one of the great works of Western literature. I agree, but also recognize it's not to everyone's taste. The long monologues and the difficult issues make it tough reading. 

It did inspire a clerihew (of course):

Fyodor Dostoevsky

was plagued by vices that proved pesky .

To pay his bills he took a successful gamble

creating characters who were prone to verbally ramble..

I'm currently reading The Imitation of Christ in small chunks. But as for fiction, lighter reading for a while. I'm starting off with a novel about Bela Lugosi, This Thing of Darkness by K.V. Turley and Fiorella De Maria. 

Pax et bonum

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