Sunday, November 6, 2022

To Life!

Got a call the other day from the hospice where I signed up to volunteer. It had closed down due to covid, and just reopened.

My first shift will be Tuesday.

I became interested in volunteering due to the death last year of my brother-in-law in a hospice. They gave him such great care. Death came with love and dignity. 

This particular hospice at which I will be volunteering is one I have supported financially for years. My Fraternity used to meet in the same building, so while we were praying downstairs, people were going home upstairs.

This is one more way for me to proclaim my support for life from conception to natural death. I pray outside Planned Parenthood and support pregnancy centers and homes for pregnant women, so I'm there at the beginning of life. I also support health clinics, shelters, food pantries, etc., so I'm there in the middle of life. 

Now I will be there at the end.

Pax et bonum

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