Sunday, March 8, 2020

Franciscan Economics ...

Franciscan "economics" calls for us to live simply. We have to meet our needs and those of our families, certainly, but excess, accumulating unneeded wealth, etc., are not part of our charism.

Something to consider, though, is where we spend the money we do have. Are we supporting local, small, family-owned businesses, or corporate giants that harm the small and local? If we can buy local, why go to Amazon, big box chains, and other such places? They are undermining small businesses - look at what has happened to small bookstores, for example.

Do we buy Starbucks (there are many ethical reasons not to!) rather than coffee from the local coffee shop? Or even better (and cheaper) do we support ethical coffee companies and make our own?

We have to keep in mind how those companies produce the products we buy. Do they exploit workers? Do they pollute? And what do they do with their profits? Do they support immoral purposes and organizations?

In our spending, we have to keep in mind the good of others, and what is best for them and society.

Along that line, if we have excess, we are called to share that with others. We can donate money, our time, our gifts, to help others.

Pax et bonum

1 comment:

Louis M said...

*standing ovation*