Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Relief Add-Ons?

The Republicans are accusing the Democrats of attempting to add riders to the Corona relief bill - Green New Deal items such as solar panel funding, women and minority quotas on boards, creation of long-lived boards (bureaucracy), and so on. The Democrats claim that the Republicans have added in lots of money to help major corporations that may not need that money.

There's probably truth to both charges. I don't have the actual proposal in front of me, so I don't know what the facts are - and I don't trust the media on either side to objectively report the facts.

I don't like it when things get unnecessarily complicated. I donate our Fraternity rent, for example, paying the parish directly. That should just be it, but our treasurer, to create a paper trail, requires me to submit a bill to her after I pay the rent, get a reimbursement check from her, and then to donate it directly to the Fraternity and get a receipt. One simple check becomes three, with two receipts added to the mix.


Look Congress: Just pass a simple bill to help people immediately, and leave out the agenda items.

You can try to get them later. Check with the voters first, though.

Pax et bonum

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