Friday, March 27, 2020

Just my speed

Some folks are not taking social distancing well.

Me, I'm fine with it.

For the reclusive soul that I am it's quite comfortable. I have spent ling periods of my life away from others by choice. Indeed, part of me would love to be a hermit.

I remember when I was younger, summer vacations were times when I was almost completely isolated from my classmates for close to two months. I read, wrote, played games, went on long bike rides, hiked in the woods, and so on. All by myself. And I was happy.

Even in my prayer life, I prefer private devotions, time alone in the chapel. I recognize the need for community, but big worship services are not comfortable for me.

This was in fact one of the reasons I left the seminary. The Sunday Masses at the seminary were open to public, and I just wanted to flee the crowds. I was not comfortable with all the socializing after Mass. I realized that if I did become a priest I would have to live with being out in the public constantly. I realized that would not be a good fit for me.

And when people ask me what my vision of Heaven is, I say its a cottage by the seashore, with just my dog and me, and with Jesus stopping by for a cup of coffee and the two of us sitting silently watching and listening to the waves. 

So except for all the hassles involved with trying to teach remotely, I am quite content during this time of social isolation.

Pax et bonum

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