Friday, March 16, 2018

How to increase Franciscan vocations - a few ideas

The Secular Franciscans, like many religious orders, have concerns about aging and numbers. Many of our members are getting older, and they are not being replaced enough by new members.

Of course, being a Secular Franciscan is a vocation to which we are called. But we can still help people to respond to that calling and to follow that vocation.

1. Pray for an increase in the number of people responding to the call.

2. Teach others about what it means to be a Franciscan. Do this in speech, in writing, in the arts, on social media, wherever and however we can. 

3. Invite others. Maybe they sense a call, but an actual invitation might be just what they need to respond. This can be done in small ways, such as in conversations with others at church or at work or in social situations. We can write brief pieces for our parish bulletins. We can write to the diocesan newspaper.

4. Make it look attractive to others. Make it look joyful, alive, something to which they would like to belong. Don't be glum, overly serious, out of touch.

5. Talk it up. Don't be afraid to discuss your own vocation. Wear public signs of it - the Tau - and be ready to talk about it. If on social media, post about it. Place posters, brochures, cards, whatever in places where others can see them. 

6. Live out the vocation. We need to keep in mind that in everything we say and do we are witnessing to that vocation. That includes everything: The jokes we tell, the way we drive, social and entertainment activities in which we engage, and so on.

Those are just a few ideas. There are probably many other ways.

Pax et bonum

1 comment:

kam said...

All good suggestions.