Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1 And All Is Well

The last piece of my retirement funds came in, so it looks as if June is it.

I now have now transferred money from two funds - 403 Bs from previous jobs - and it's money that was floating out there separate from my IRAs and annuity. There's enough from the two of them to live for a year until Social Security can kick in after I turn 66. They amount to the same amount I'd earn from working, so why not make the same amount without all the work teaching involves?

Instead, I can get out there and volunteer - after we can get out again.

Certainly this coronavirus shutdown figures into the mix. It's meant a lot more work, without the compensation of being with the students. I'm burning out!

Now all I have to do is register for Medicare, and I'm all set.

Pax et bonum

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