Monday, April 6, 2020

Cabin fever

Okay, after weeks of social distancing and teaching by computer, coupled with cold, wet weather on some days that prevented getting out in the yard, I'm developing cabin fever.

To follow the current trend - I have CF.

Or, if I want to get really official sounding, I have cameram febris

My legs and my gluteus maximus are sore. I feel stiff. Too much sitting. Not enough moving and fresh air.

But, we have a couple of days of sunshine in the forecast. So this morning, after EWTN Mass and before class "office hours," I went out in the yard, removed some young trees growing where they are not wanted, raked up some leaves and debris, and cleaned out the fireplace where I burn papers and yard debris. I tossed the ashes on an old garden bed that we're returning to lawn. The ashes will help to fertilize it, and provide some protection from the birds for the grass seed I'd scattered previously.

Tomorrow, I will rototill the garden (I've already put fertilizer and fresh garden soil on it).

Wednesday, rain returns ...and Friday there's a chance of snow.

But it got me out, and I got some stretching and exercising in, and inhaled fresh spring air.

I already feel better.

Now for some office hours.

Pax et bonum

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