Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy Tax Day

April 15 is imbedded in our consciousness as the day by which taxes have to be filed.

Except this year.

Due to the coronavirus there are delays permitted without penalty.

I've already filed my taxes - I've even already gotten my federal refund. The state refund may be delayed due to the state's finances and workers being told to stay home. And since I don't do direct deposit for tax refunds I will have to wait a while before I receive my check for the shutdown - perhaps for months.

I don't need the money at the moment, so it's not a panic situation. I'm still getting a paycheck because even though my school is "closed" I'm still teaching my students online. That will continue until June.

But this all has me thinking about July - and beyond.

I'm planning to retire. But what shape will the economy be in? Will that small diocesan pension suddenly disappear? Will my money in IRAs be eaten up? Will that annuity that's supposed to start in two years suddenly be frozen - or gone? What will be the status of Social Security?

Still not panicking, but the concerns are floating around in the back of my mind.

Pax et bonum

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