Monday, November 27, 2023

Plague Journal by Michael D. O’Brien

I just read another one of Michael O'Brien's book: Plague Journal.

The book is the middle book of a trilogy, the first one being Strangers and Sojourners, and the last of them being Eclipse of the Sun.

I cheated and did not read Strangers and Sojourners before reading Plague Journal. I will do so later, I'm about to start Eclipse of the Sun because I really liked Plague Journal and want to find out what happened to the surviving characters.

Plague Journal is dystopian novel of the kind really popular among conservative Catholic writers back in the the late 1990's and early 2000's. People were convinced that Catholics and people of faith will be persecuted, the government will become tyrannical, and that all sorts of evils will take control of society. 

In this book, a newspaper editor speaks out against government control, schools usurping parental authority, abortion, anti-morality sex education, and more. Even though he wrote 20 something years ago he's really describing today when the government spies on conservative Catholics, arrests pro-lifers, attacks parents speaking out about what their children are being taught, and more. 

Although his vision is darker than the reality, it still hits too close to home. Given my pro-life activities, my speaking out against the moral decay in our culture and society, and my resistance to government control, I wouldn't be surprised if some day I face some legal issues or social retaliation.  

But beyond the ideas it contains, the book is well-written. The characters are interesting - hence inspiring me to get out the third book in the series.

Pax et bonum

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