Saturday, November 11, 2023

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment is an Abortion Trojan Horse

In 2024, New York voters will have a chance to change the State Constitution.

The Equal Rights Amendment bill is deceptively called the New York Equal Protection of Law Amendment. But rather than just being a bill to promote rights and equality between the sexes, it is really a means to codify abortion and to undermine parental authority.

As The 19th News(letter) notes, "Democrats and abortion rights advocates in New York are pushing for a novel equal rights amendment they hope will establish the state as a haven for abortion access, boost Democratic enthusiasm in 2024 and set a roadmap for other states."

The article goes on to report, "Andrea Miller, president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health, a national advocacy group, described the amendment as 'exciting' and a 'first of its kind' in how it expressly links sex discrimination and reproductive rights to LGBTQ+ rights and others.

'This would be the first time that a state constitution would explicitly name all of those as being encompassed by sex discrimination and within the context of sex discrimination,' she said."

... and ...

"New York Democratic leaders, like Hochul, also said they hope the measure will drive voter enthusiasm and turnout that will benefit Democratic candidates. In some ways they see the amendment as testing the mobilizing power of abortion rights.

'The ERA isn’t just about a single issue,' said Emma Corbett, state director of communications for Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts. 'Fewer and fewer voters are single-issue voters these days. There’s this real opportunity to codify those freedoms for New York, and I think voters are gonna respond positively to that.'”

It's not just about abortion.

"The amendment’s inclusion of civil rights and anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ New Yorkers also reflects a rising recognition of the interconnectedness of the attacks on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights unfolding across the country. In 2023 legislative sessions, many Republican-controlled states have sought to restrict abortion and gender-affirming care for transgender youth."

Although supposedly aimed at government actions, critics contend the amendment would effectively deny parental rights when it comes to abortion or to sex transitions by their children. Indeed, if they try to interfere they could potentially be charged.

Planned Parenthood points out the New York ERA would "protect against any government actions that would curtail a person’s reproductive autonomy or their access to reproductive health care. For example, the ERA would prevent the State from:

implementing a state abortion ban
stopping state funding for abortion via Medicaid
banning private insurance coverage of abortion
prosecuting or criminalizing miscarriage
adding medically unnecessary burdens on patients or facilities"

The statement about "criminalizing miscarriage" is part of the deception and fear-mongering engaged in by the pro-aborts. Miscarriages are not the same as abortions, and no pro-lifer is calling for this.

Kristen Curran, the New York State Catholic Conference's director of government relations, decried the Equal Rights Amendment as a continuation of false and misleading narratives by state lawmakers regarding abortion.

“Unfortunately, this bill solidifies the message that New York has been sending women for some time now: Abortion is positive, empowering, and the key to success. This couldn’t be further from the truth,” Curran said in a statement July 1, the same day the Equal Rights Amendment was passed. “Women, children, and their families deserve support and compassion. Baby formula is scarce, raising a family is unaffordable, and the fallout from the pandemic continues to take its toll. New York State should be pouring resources into helping women and families, not promoting abortion through limitless funding, advertisements, and splashy legislation.”

“Our elected officials should stop promoting abortion as a woman’s best and only choice,” Curran added, “and focus instead on true support for women, children, and families.”

Pax et bonum

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