Friday, December 31, 2021

To Read in 2022

And now that my reading tally is completed for 2021, it's time to do some planning for next year.

One goal is to read the Shakespeare plays I have not yet read.

Titus Andronicus
Two Gentlemen of Verona
Love’s Labour’s Lost
As You Like It
The Merry Wives of Windsor
All’s Well That Ends Well
Measure for Measure
Timon of Athens
The Two Noble Kinsmen

There are some works I read years ago - sometimes 40 plus years ago! - that I want to reread:.  

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis.
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day 
The Confessions by St. Augustine
The Symposium by Plato
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 

There are assorted mysteries I'd like to read by Tony Hillerman, Steven Havill, Margaret Coel, and Arthur Conan Doyle, and another volume of Father Brown stories. 

I'd like to try more Hilaire Belloc and G.K. Chesterton.  

I'd like to read a couple of encyclicals. Plus some Plato.  

And, of course, more poetry. At least two more of Frost's published books (next up would be A Further Range and A Witness Tree). 

Beyond that, we'll see! 

Pax et bonum

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