Monday, May 10, 2021

Dear Blog

When all is said and done, leading a good life is more important than keeping a good diary. - Anonymous

For years, I kept a series of written diaries. 

In those diaries, I'd note story ideas, poetry drafts, quotations, and trivia for writing purposes. I also used the diaries to reflect on my life and events in the world, make resolutions and set goals, and to rant and rave and complain.

Most of those diaries were destroyed along the way. I still have the one I kept in the 1980's and early 1990's. I occasionally reread parts of it while searching for events and dates. It's actually kind of embarrassing at times. I could be self-pitying, arrogant, ignorant, and so on. Kind of a jerk! And I've been tempted to destroy it or at least tear out pages in case after i die or end up in a nursing home someone else reads it.

This blog - and its predecessor - supplanted my diaries. Many of the things I post about here were the kinds of things. But knowing this is public, I've usually been more circumspect in what I post. Imagine worse or less guarded, and you get my old diaries!

I want to use this blog more as a kind of diary.

But then, if history is any guide, maybe I'll end up erasing it some day! 

Pax et bonum

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