Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Writing (and reading) Projects

Now that my assistant directing duties are over (Chesterton Academy's Little Women - the students were great!) I can get back to some writing projects.

I'm converting my Civil War Christmas story into a play. The dialogue I already have in the story works fine for a play, but I need more - I've already added the Nativity story from the Bible and a Christmas hymn - and I need to transform the descriptive details into setting or additional dialogue.

I have some haiku due for an anthology, so I need to get them ready. And I have some clerihews and scifaiku to polish and submit. Down the road, there are a couple of chapbooks I've been meaning to compile - one of clerihews, another of slug "haiku" (The Slug Chronicles).  

I'm also editing my "Old Fat Men" story for Gilbert!. The editor liked the story and wants if for the Christmas 2021 issue, but he needs it trimmed. Hmmm, a story about fat men needing to be trimmed - how ironic.

Meanwhile, I did start The Pickwick Papers - to meet my goal of reading at least one Dickens novel this year. I'm enjoying it. And got out a copy of G. K. Chesterton's The Incredulity of Father Brown. My goal for the year was to read 12 mystery books; I like mysteries so much, though, I've already read 11. Maybe I should have doubled that goal! I decided that it would be fitting to have a Chesterton as my 12th.

In addition, I continue my quest to read the entire Bible in a year - having read parts of it before, but never the entire book.

Of course, there are all sort of non-writing and reading goals - a stump to remove, more junk in the attic to be tossed, a couple of rooms to be painted.


Pax et bonum

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