Saturday, May 29, 2021

Reusing Characters and Chapters

I long ago started a horror novel, got about 30,000 words in, but then grew uneasy. Too dark. Not in keeping with where I felt I was being led spiritually.

So I halted work on it.

But one of the writing projects I've also been doing some prep work on is a mystery novel. I revisited my notes for that, and added some details.

Then it occurred to me that some of the chapters and characters from the horror novel - especially the deranged killer - could work in the mystery novel with only a little revising.


I switched some of the horror chapters that might work to a file for the mystery - about 9,000 words. I won't use all of them, but some of the material related to the killer, the main character, the main character's alcoholic friend who works in radio (my main character is an alcoholic and a former radio newscaster/reporter), and a nurse can be revised to fit the mystery. 

Pax et bonum

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