Saturday, May 22, 2021

Orthodoxy - Chesterton

I belong to two Catholic reading/discussion groups - one of the benefits of being retired and having the time!

One group reads classic literature. We just finished King Lear, and in September will start Brideshead Revisited.

The other group is the local Chesterton Society, so, naturally, we read a Chesterton book.

On Thursday we just finished Orthodoxy - considered along with Chesterton's The Everlasting Man as modern spiritual classics.

I had read Orthodoxy before, years ago. So it was good to reread it. It was even better reading it with others people who could provide interpretations, insights, and links to other writings and concepts. All from a Catholic perspective. Being with the others with all there comments and questions helped to bring the book to life. And, to be honest, Chesterton can sometimes be difficult to read given his style and his constant allusions to literature, Scripture, and contemporary movements, politics, and individuals, so it was good to read it with others. I am amazed at the breadth of knowledge in the Chesterton group and how much they help me to see and understand things I likely would have missed.

In September, we take on Saint Thomas Aquinas, another book I read years ago. I look forward to revisiting it. 

Pax et bonum

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